import pyPLNmodels
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pyPLNmodels.models import PlnPCAcollection, Pln
from pyPLNmodels.oaks import load_oaks
= load_oaks()
oaks = oaks['counts']
Y = np.log(oaks['offsets'])
O = np.ones([Y.shape[0],1]) X
PLN version Python
PLN with Pytorch
Comme vous pourrez le constater, les syntaxtes {torch} et Pytorch sont très proches.
On charge le jeu de données oaks
contenu dans le package python pyPLNmodels
Pour référence, on optimise avec le package dédié (qui utilise pytorch et l’optimiseur Rprop.
= Pln.from_formula("counts ~ 1 ", data = oaks, take_log_offsets = True)
pln %timeit
Fitting a Pln model with full covariance model.
Initialization ...
Initialization finished
Tolerance 0.001 reached in 264 iterations
Fitting a Pln model with full covariance model.
Tolerance 0.001 reached in 265 iterations
Fitting a Pln model with full covariance model.
Tolerance 0.001 reached in 299 iterations
Fitting a Pln model with full covariance model.
Tolerance 0.001 reached in 300 iterations
Fitting a Pln model with full covariance model.
Tolerance 0.001 reached in 332 iterations
Fitting a Pln model with full covariance model.
Tolerance 0.001 reached in 347 iterations
Fitting a Pln model with full covariance model.
Tolerance 0.001 reached in 362 iterations
Fitting a Pln model with full covariance model.
Tolerance 0.001 reached in 371 iterations
The slowest run took 36.93 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
38.9 ms ± 32.6 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
Implémentation simple en Pytorch
import torch
import numpy as np
import math
def _log_stirling(integer: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
= integer + (integer == 0) # Replace 0 with 1 since 0! = 1!
integer_ return torch.log(torch.sqrt(2 * np.pi * integer_)) + integer_ * torch.log(integer_ / math.exp(1))
class PLN() :
Y : torch.Tensor
O : torch.Tensor
X : torch.Tensorint
n : int
p : int
d :
M : torch.Tensor
S : torch.Tensor
B : torch.Tensor
Sigma : torch.Tensor
Omega : torch.Tensorlist
ELBO_list :
## Constructor
def __init__(self, Y: np.array, O: np.array, X: np.array) :
self.Y = torch.tensor(Y)
self.O = torch.tensor(O)
self.X = torch.tensor(X)
self.n, self.p = Y.shape
self.d = X.shape[1]
## Variational parameters
self.M = torch.full(Y.shape, 0.0, requires_grad = True)
self.S = torch.full(Y.shape, 1.0, requires_grad = True)
## Model parameters
self.B = torch.zeros(self.d, self.p, requires_grad = True)
self.Sigma = torch.eye(self.p)
self.Omega = torch.eye(self.p)
def get_Sigma(self) :
return 1/self.n * (self.M.T @ self.M + torch.diag(torch.sum(self.S**2, dim = 0)))
def get_ELBO(self):
= torch.square(self.S)
S2 = self.X @ self.B
XB = torch.exp(self.O + self.M + XB + S2/2)
= self.n/2 * torch.logdet(self.Omega) + torch.sum(- A + self.Y * (self.O + self.M + XB) + .5 * torch.log(S2)) - .5 * torch.trace(self.M.T @ self.M + torch.diag(torch.sum(S2, dim = 0)) @ self.Omega) + .5 * self.n * self.p - torch.sum(_log_stirling(self.Y))
elbo return elbo
def fit(self, N_iter, lr, tol = 1e-8) :
self.ELBO = np.zeros(N_iter)
= torch.optim.Rprop([self.B, self.M, self.S], lr = lr)
optimizer = np.infty
objective0 for i in range(N_iter):
## reinitialize gradients
## compute current ELBO
= - self.get_ELBO()
## backward propagation and optimization
## update parameters with close form
self.Sigma = self.get_Sigma()
self.Omega = torch.inverse(self.Sigma)
= -loss.item()
objective self.ELBO[i] = objective
if (abs(objective0 - objective)/abs(objective) < tol):
self.ELBO = self.ELBO[0:i]
= objective objective0
Évaluation du temps de calcul
Testons notre implémentation simple de PLN utilisant:
= PLN(Y, O, X)
myPLN %timeit, lr = 0.1, tol = 1e-8)
-myPLN.ELBO)) plt.plot(np.log(
180 ms ± 5.77 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)