JIT with JAX


Hugo Gangloff


January 8, 2025

JAX is a Python library, basically a wrapper around numpy for efficient scientific programming: automatic differentiation, parallelization, JIT, etc. Many numpy functions are rewritten in a low level API called LAX. It then uses the XLA compiler to opitmization computations, see #numpy-lax-xla-jax-api-layering

This tutorial is a non exhaustive but dense introduction to JAX, especially JIT compilation with JAX. We try to point the reader to the main concepts with a lot of redirections to external resources and to JAX documentation.

JIT with JAX

A practical definition of JIT compilation can be found in JAX documentation:

When we jit-compile a function, we usually want to compile a version of the function that works for many different argument values, so that we can cache and reuse the compiled code. That way we don’t have to re-compile on each function evaluation.

For example, if we evaluate an @jit function on the array jnp.array([1., 2., 3.], jnp.float32), we might want to compile code that we can reuse to evaluate the function on jnp.array([4., 5., 6.], jnp.float32) to save on compile time.

By default JAX executes operations one at a time, in sequence. Using a just-in-time (JIT) compilation decorator, sequences of operations can be optimized together and run at once.

In this tutorial we explore JAX JIT compilation on the same algorithm of the PLN model as coded in the PLN in pytorch tutorial. Also, this tutorial is to be compared with JIT compilation in pytorch.

First, we make the necessary imports

import os
#os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '' # uncomment to force CPU
import numpy as np
import math
import pyPLNmodels
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pyPLNmodels.models import PlnPCAcollection, Pln
from pyPLNmodels.oaks import load_oaks
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import optax
jax.config.update("jax_enable_x64", False)
myfloat = np.float32

Note: We use a GPU since JIT compilation is particularly efficient on GPU.

oaks = load_oaks()
Y = np.asarray(oaks['counts']).astype(myfloat)
Y = np.repeat(Y, 100, axis=0) # make data bigger to feel the speed up
O = np.log(oaks['offsets']).astype(myfloat)
O = np.repeat(O, 100, axis=0) # make data bigger to feel the speed up
X = np.ones([Y.shape[0],1]).astype(myfloat)

N_iter = 1000
lr = 1e-4

JAX without JIT

This section does not use any kind of jitting. This is our baseline.

def _log_stirling(integer):
    integer_ = integer + (integer == 0)  # Replace 0 with 1 since 0! = 1!
    return jnp.log(jnp.sqrt(2 * jnp.pi * integer_)) + integer_ * jnp.log(integer_ / jnp.exp(1))

class PLN:
    def __init__(self, Y, O, X): 
        self.Y = Y
        self.O = O
        self.X = X
        self.n, self.p = Y.shape
        self.d = X.shape[1]
        ## Variational parameters
        self.M = jnp.full(Y.shape, 0.0)
        self.S = jnp.full(Y.shape, 1.0)
        ## Model parameters
        self.B = jnp.zeros((self.d, self.p))
        self.Sigma = jnp.eye(self.p)
        self.Omega = jnp.eye(self.p)

    def get_Sigma(self, n, M, S) :
        return 1/n * (M.T @ M + jnp.diag(jnp.sum(S**2, axis=0)))
    def get_ELBO(self, optim_params):
      B, M, S = optim_params
      S2 = jnp.square(S)
      XB = self.X @ B
      A = jnp.exp(self.O + M + XB + S2/2)

      elbo = self.n/2 * jnp.log(jnp.linalg.det(self.Omega))
      elbo += jnp.sum(- A + self.Y * (self.O + M + XB) + .5 * jnp.log(S2))
      elbo -= .5 * jnp.trace(M.T @ M + jnp.diag(jnp.sum(S2, axis=0)) @ self.Omega)
      elbo += .5 * self.n * self.p  - jnp.sum(_log_stirling(self.Y))
      return -elbo

    def fit(self, N_iter, lr, tol = 1e-8) :
        ELBO = jnp.zeros(N_iter)
        optimizer = optax.chain(
        opt_state = optimizer.init((self.B, self.M, self.S))
        for i in range(N_iter):
            loss_value, grads = jax.value_and_grad(
                self.get_ELBO, 0
            )((self.B, self.M, self.S))
            updates, opt_state = optimizer.update(grads, opt_state, (self.B, self.M, self.S))
            optim_params = optax.apply_updates((self.B, self.M, self.S), updates)
            self.B, self.M, self.S = optim_params
            ## update parameters with close form
            self.Sigma = self.get_Sigma(self.n, self.M, self.S)
            self.Omega = jnp.linalg.inv(self.Sigma)
            objective = loss_value
            ELBO = ELBO.at[i].set(objective)
        return ELBO

Have a look a the way we update the ELBO vector in the previous functions. This is because JAX arrays are immutable #in-place-updates

pln = PLN(Y, O, X)

with jax.default_device(jax.devices('cpu')[0]): # as opposed to the subsequent jitted versions of the code, running this code do
    jaxELBO_no_jit = jax.block_until_ready(
        pln.fit(N_iter, lr, tol=1e-8)
CPU times: user 10min 53s, sys: 21min 15s, total: 32min 8s
Wall time: 2min

JIT with JAX level 1: jax.jit

In this section, we will jit the functions used in the optimization process. Since it is not straightforward to JIT compilation class methods (see subsequent section), we will not use a class anymore.

Thus, we first create an independant function to initialize variables.

def init_params(Y, O, X): 
    n, p = Y.shape
    d = X.shape[1]
    ## Variational parameters
    M = jnp.full(Y.shape, 0.0)
    S = jnp.full(Y.shape, 1.0)
    ## Model parameters
    B = jnp.zeros((d, p))
    Sigma = jnp.eye(p)
    Omega = jnp.eye(p)

    return n, p, d, M, S, B, Sigma, Omega

Let’s create the jitted functions. Note that _log_stirling will be automatically jitted when called the jitted get_ELBO. The actual Just In Time compilation will actually happen at the first execution of the jitted function. Note that the call jax.jit() is equivalent to using the decorator @jax.jit

def _log_stirling(integer):
    integer_ = integer + (integer == 0)
    return jnp.log(jnp.sqrt(2 * jnp.pi * integer_)) + integer_ * jnp.log(integer_ / jnp.exp(1))
def get_ELBO(optim_params, other_params): 
    B, M, S = optim_params['B'], optim_params['M'], optim_params['S']
    X, O, n, Omega, Y, p = (other_params['X'], other_params['O'], 
        other_params['n'], other_params['Omega'], other_params['Y'],
    S2 = jnp.square(S)
    XB = X @ B
    A = jnp.exp(O + M + XB + S2/2)

    elbo = 0.
    elbo = n / 2 * jnp.log(jnp.linalg.det(Omega))
    elbo += jnp.sum(- A + Y * (O + M + XB) + .5 * jnp.log(S2))
    elbo -= .5 * jnp.trace(M.T @ M + jnp.diag(jnp.sum(S2, axis = 0)) @ Omega)
    elbo += .5 * n * p  - jnp.sum(_log_stirling(Y))
    return -elbo

jit_loss_and_grad = jax.jit(jax.value_and_grad(get_ELBO, 0)) # JIT !

def get_Sigma(n, M, S) :
    return 1/n * (M.T @ M + jnp.diag(jnp.sum(S**2, axis = 0)))

jit_getSigma = jax.jit(get_Sigma) # JIT !

jit_inv = jax.jit(jnp.linalg.inv) # JIT !

In the following, each function inside the for loop is jitted but the for loop is not jitted itself; it is inefficient to do so in JAX mostly due to the long compilation time it would induce, see #jit-decorated-function-is-very-slow-to-compile.

def jaxfit1(optim_params, other_params, N_iter, lr, tol = 1e-8) :
    ELBO = jnp.zeros(N_iter)
    optimizer = optax.chain(
    opt_state = optimizer.init(optim_params)
    objective0 = jnp.inf

    update = jax.jit(optimizer.update)
    apply_updates = jax.jit(optax.apply_updates)

    for i in range(N_iter):
        loss_value, grads = jit_loss_and_grad(

        updates, opt_state = update(grads, opt_state, optim_params)
        optim_params = apply_updates(optim_params, updates)

        ## update parameters with close form
        other_params['Sigma'] = jit_getSigma(other_params['n'], optim_params['M'],
        other_params['Omega'] = jit_inv(other_params['Sigma'])

        objective = loss_value
        ELBO = ELBO.at[i].set(objective)

    return ELBO

Initialize the data for JAX

Y = jnp.asarray(Y)
O = jnp.asarray(O)
X = jnp.array(X)
n, p, d, M, S, B, Sigma, Omega = init_params(Y, O, X)
optim_params = {'B':B, 'M':M, 'S':S}
other_params = {'X':X, 'O':O, 'n':n, 'Omega':Omega, 'Y':Y, 'p':p, 'Sigma':Sigma}

and run the learning process:

jaxELBO1 = jax.block_until_ready(
    jaxfit1(optim_params, other_params, N_iter, lr=lr, tol=1e-8)
CPU times: user 3.87 s, sys: 500 ms, total: 4.37 s
Wall time: 4.13 s

Note: Because of the complex JAX internal mechanics, benchmarking with JAX should be done with caution https://jax.readthedocs.io/en/latest/async_dispatch.html

JIT with JAX level 2: jax.lax.scan

In this section, we add resort to jax.lax.scan, which is the standard way to write for loops in JAX. jax.lax.scan automatically JIT compiles its content, it’s not necessary to add the calls to jax.jit here.

For a complete tutorial on jax.lax.scan see https://ericmjl.github.io/dl-workshop/02-jax-idioms/02-loopy-carry.html

def jaxfit2(optim_params, other_params, N_iter, lr, tol = 1e-8) :
    optimizer = optax.chain(
    opt_state = optimizer.init(optim_params)
    def scan_fun(carry, _):
        optim_params = carry['optim_params']
        other_params = carry['other_params']
        loss_value, grads = jax.value_and_grad(get_ELBO)(optim_params,
        updates, opt_state = optimizer.update(grads, carry['opt_state'])
        optim_params = optax.apply_updates(optim_params, updates)
        ## update parameters with close form
        other_params['Sigma'] = get_Sigma(other_params['n'], optim_params['M'],
        other_params['Omega'] = jnp.linalg.inv(other_params['Sigma'])
        carry['optim_params'] = optim_params
        carry['other_params'] = other_params
        carry['opt_state'] = opt_state
        return carry, loss_value

    carry, ELBO = jax.lax.scan(

    return ELBO

Initialize the data for JAX:

Y = jnp.asarray(Y)
O = jnp.asarray(O)
X = jnp.array(X)
n, p, d, M, S, B, Sigma, Omega = init_params(Y, O, X)
optim_params = {'B':B, 'M':M, 'S':S}
other_params = {'X':X, 'O':O, 'n':n, 'Omega':Omega, 'Y':Y, 'p':p, 'Sigma':Sigma}

Note: Let’s us try the Ahead Of Time (AOT) compilation where the compilation is done beforehand in a particular explicit step and not at the first execution of the function (as in classical JIT compilation). By doing so we can get an estimate of the compilation time, which is, in our case, not a bottleneck.

lowered = jax.jit(jaxfit2, static_argnums=(2,3,4)).lower(optim_params,
other_params, N_iter, lr=lr, tol=1e-8)
compiled = lowered.compile()
CPU times: user 708 ms, sys: 40.1 ms, total: 748 ms
Wall time: 502 ms

Let’s run the complete fit (including compilation)

jaxELBO2 = jax.block_until_ready(
    jaxfit2(optim_params, other_params, N_iter, lr, tol=1e-8)
CPU times: user 1.97 s, sys: 1.08 s, total: 3.05 s
Wall time: 2.83 s

JIT with JAX level 3: can we jit everything?

Now we will dive into some of the sharp bits of JAX. Let’s try to reuse the above jitted functions with a simple PLN class which acts like a container as we did in the tutorial JIT compilation in pytorch.

class PLN_container:
    def __init__(self, Y, O, X): 
        self.Y = Y
        self.O = O
        self.X = X
        self.n, self.p = Y.shape
        self.n = self.n
        self.p = self.p
        self.d = X.shape[1]
        ## Variational parameters
        self.M = jnp.full(Y.shape, 0.0)
        self.S = jnp.full(Y.shape, 1.0)
        ## Model parameters
        self.B = jnp.zeros((self.d, self.p))
        self.Sigma = jnp.eye(self.p)
        self.Omega = jnp.eye(self.p)

Then we would like to adapt the scan_fun as:

def jaxfit3(pln, N_iter, lr, tol = 1e-8) :
    optimizer = optax.chain(
    opt_state = optimizer.init({'B':pln.B, 'M':pln.M, 'S':pln.S})

    def scan_fun(carry, _):
        pln = carry['PLN']
        loss_value, grads = jax.value_and_grad(get_ELBO)(
            {'B':pln.B, 'M':pln.M, 'S':pln.S},
            {'X':pln.X, 'O':pln.O, 'n':pln.n, 'Omega':pln.Omega,
             'Y':pln.Y, 'p':pln.p, 'Sigma':pln.Sigma}
        updates, opt_state = optimizer.update(grads, carry['opt_state'])
        updated_params = optax.apply_updates(
            {'B':pln.B, 'M':pln.M, 'S':pln.S},
        pln.B = updated_params['B']
        pln.M = updated_params['M']
        pln.S = updated_params['S']
        ## update parameters with close form
        pln.Sigma = get_Sigma(pln.N, pln.M, pln.S)
        pln.Omega = jnp.linalg.inv(pln.Sigma)
        carry['PLN'] = pln
        carry['opt_state'] = opt_state
        return carry, loss_value
    carry, ELBO = jax.lax.scan(

    return ELBO

And finally, we would like to start the optimization with:

pln_container = PLN_container(Y, O, X)
jaxELBO3 = jax.block_until_ready(
    jaxfit3(pln_container, N_iter, lr, tol=1e-8)

If we run the previous lines, we get an expected error: class PLN is not a valid JAX type. Recall that the scan loop automatically JIT compiles its content and we cannot JIT compile function whose arguments are custom classes without specific treatment that we will discover in the next subsection. But what is a valid JAX type? From the documentation of jax.jit we read:

The arguments and return value of fun [the jitted function] should be arrays, scalars, or (nested) standard Python containers (tuple/list/dict) [pytrees] thereof [which themselves contain arrays or scalars].

The variety of containers that JAX can handle are refered to with the term Pytrees.

We also read about pure function and static arguments, more on that below !

For the moment, as the class PLN acts as a simple container, a common work around can be to use a Python native and jittable namedtuple class, or a NamedTuple from typing library which improves the class creation. See this introduction to NamedTuple: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/typing-namedtuple-improved-namedtuples/. NamedTuples are immutable class, so if we want to update one of its attributes we need to use the _replace() method which returns a new object! Note that we can use jax.typing to provide JAX related type hints #jax.typing.

from typing import NamedTuple
from jax.typing import ArrayLike

class PLN(NamedTuple):
    Y: ArrayLike
    O: ArrayLike
    X: ArrayLike
    n: int
    p: int
    d: int
    M: ArrayLike
    S: ArrayLike
    B: ArrayLike
    Sigma: ArrayLike
    Omega: ArrayLike
pln_namedtuple = PLN(
    Y, O, X,
    Y.shape[0], Y.shape[1], X.shape[1],
    jnp.full(Y.shape, 0.0), jnp.full(Y.shape, 1.0),
    jnp.zeros((X.shape[1], Y.shape[1])), jnp.eye(Y.shape[1]),

Let’s adapt the scan_fun function

def jaxfit3(pln, N_iter, lr, tol = 1e-8) :
    optimizer = optax.chain(
    opt_state = optimizer.init({'B':pln.B, 'M':pln.M, 'S':pln.S})

    def scan_fun(carry, _):
        pln = carry['PLN']
        loss_value, grads = jax.value_and_grad(get_ELBO)(
            {'B':pln.B, 'M':pln.M, 'S':pln.S},
            {'X':pln.X, 'O':pln.O, 'n':pln.n, 'Omega':pln.Omega,
             'Y':pln.Y, 'p':pln.p, 'Sigma':pln.Sigma}
        updates, opt_state = optimizer.update(grads, carry['opt_state'])
        updated_params = optax.apply_updates(
            {'B':pln.B, 'M':pln.M, 'S':pln.S},
        pln = pln._replace(B=updated_params['B'])
        pln = pln._replace(M=updated_params['M'])
        pln = pln._replace(S=updated_params['S'])
        ## update parameters with close form
        pln = pln._replace(Sigma=get_Sigma(pln.n, pln.M, pln.S))
        pln = pln._replace(Omega=jnp.linalg.inv(pln.Sigma))
        carry['PLN'] = pln
        carry['opt_state'] = opt_state
        return carry, loss_value
    carry, ELBO = jax.lax.scan(

    return ELBO
jaxELBO3 = jax.block_until_ready(
    jaxfit3(pln_namedtuple, N_iter, lr, tol=1e-8)
CPU times: user 2.34 s, sys: 831 ms, total: 3.17 s
Wall time: 2.91 s

Ok, our code works but it is getting a little bit messy: we would like more than containers but real classes, with real methods! That’s what we will see in the next section.

First, let’s try to summarize the main points of JIT compiling functions with JAX:

  • Not all JAX code can be JIT compiled, as it requires array shapes to be static & known at compile time. #to-jit-or-not-to-jit
  • JIT and other JAX transforms work by tracing a function to determine its effect on inputs of a specific shape and type. Variables that you don’t want [or that cannot be traced because they are not of valid JAX type] to be traced can be marked as static #jit-mechanics-tracing-and-static-variables
  • Recall that JIT compilation in pytorch cannot handle dynamic shapes, control flows, etc. since it is lost when constructing the Intermediate Representation (IR) of the computational graph that is ued for jitting. The same behaviour happens in JAX when constructing the jaxpr which is the name of the IR in JAX, see #why-can-t-we-just-jit-everything. However, in JAX, there exists way to not lose all the control flows, to conserve conditional statements even inside the jaxpr, etc. Let’s mention the static_argnums decorator, the special jax.lax.cond function, etc. To find more about control flows and jit, see #python-control-flow-jit
  • In fact, JAX is asked to JIT compile a function, it will trace its arguments to create the jaxpr, more precisely #jitting.html:

When tracing, JAX wraps each argument by a tracer object. These tracers then record all JAX operations performed on them during the function call (which happens in regular Python). Then, JAX uses the tracer records to reconstruct the entire function. The output of that reconstruction is the jaxpr

The more specific information about the values we use in the trace, the more we can use standard Python control flow to express ourselves. However, being too specific means we can’t reuse the same traced function for other values. JAX solves this by tracing at different levels of abstraction for different purposes. For jax.jit, the default level is ShapedArray We understand that the arguments of a jitted function should be traceable as ShapedArray class, or be a Pytree with either 1.Pytree nodes or 2.leaf nodes being either traceable as a ShapedArray object or leaf nodes treated as static arguments. We saw above that scalars and arrays were the valid JAX types, it makes sense since scalars or arrays can be traced with ShapedArray objects.

  • Note on static arguments:

We can tell JAX to help itself to a less abstract tracer for a particular input by specifying static_argnums or static_argnames. The cost of this is that the resulting jaxpr is less flexible, so JAX will have to re-compile the function for every new value of the specified static input. It is only a good strategy if the function is guaranteed to get limited different values.

  • Last but not least, JAX requires the jitted functions to be pure, they cannot have any side effect #pure-functions:

JAX transformation and compilation are designed to work only on Python functions that are functionally pure: all the input data is passed through the function parameters, all the results are output through the function results. A pure function will always return the same result if invoked with the same inputs.

JIT with JAX level 3.5: dataclasses and pytrees

Python developpers also love to use dataclasses as simple data structures. However they are not supported by default in JAX. Many libraries offer ways to also add dataclasses to the Pytrees JAX can handle: simple-pytree, tjax, jax_dataclasses, chex dataclasses etc.

JIT with JAX level 4: JIT on class methods

In this section, we study the canonical way to JIT compile class methods, a introduction to this technique can be found here: #how-to-use-jit-with-methods. Note that the recipe we give here should be seen from the viewpoint of Pytrees, since a class is always somehow a container. We therefore want to #extending-pytrees. The main elements of making custom class jittable are:

  1. Decorate the class with @register_pytree_node_class
  2. Add the tree_flatten method
  3. Add the tree_unflatten method

We here can draw a link with the elements we noted in the previous section: we make our custom class a Pytree, so that it can be jitted provided it contains attributes being 1.Pytree nodes or 2.leaf nodes being either inherited ShapedArray object or leaf nodes treated as static arguments!

from jax.tree_util import register_pytree_node_class
from jax.typing import ArrayLike

class PLN:
    Y: ArrayLike
    O: ArrayLike
    X: ArrayLike
    n: int
    p: int
    d: int
    M: ArrayLike
    S: ArrayLike
    B: ArrayLike
    Sigma: ArrayLike
    Omega: ArrayLike
    def __init__(self, Y, O, X): 
        self.Y = Y
        self.O = O
        self.X = X
        self.n, self.p = Y.shape
        self.n = self.n
        self.p = self.p
        self.d = X.shape[1]
        ## Variational parameters
        self.M = jnp.full(Y.shape, 0.0)
        self.S = jnp.full(Y.shape, 1.0)
        ## Model parameters
        self.B = jnp.zeros((self.d, self.p))
        self.Sigma = jnp.eye(self.p)
        self.Omega = jnp.eye(self.p)

    def get_optim_params(self):
        return {'B':self.B, 'M':self.M, 'S':self.S}
    def set_optim_params(self, op):
        for k, v in op.items():
            vars(self)[k] = v

    def get_other_params(self):
        return {
            'X':self.X, 'O':self.O, 'n':self.n, 'Omega':self.Omega,
            'Y':self.Y, 'p':self.p, 'Sigma':self.Sigma
    def set_other_params(self, op):
        for k, v in op.items():
            vars(self)[k] = v

    def update_Sigma(self):
        pln.Sigma = 1 / self.n * (self.M.T @ self.M + jnp.diag(jnp.sum(self.S ** 2, axis = 0)))

    def update_Omega(self):
        pln.Omega = jnp.linalg.inv(self.Sigma)

    def tree_flatten(self):
        children = (
            self.B, self.M, self.S, self.Sigma, self.Omega,
        )  # arrays / dynamic values
        aux_data = {
            'Y':self.Y, 'O':self.O, 'X':self.X,
            'n':self.n, 'p':self.p, 'd':self.d
        }  # static values
        return (children, aux_data)

    def tree_unflatten(cls, aux_data, children):
        (B, M, S, Sigma, Omega) = children
        obj = cls(
            aux_data['Y'], aux_data['O'], aux_data['X']
        obj.B = B
        obj.M = M
        obj.S = S
        return obj

Let’s adapt the scan_fun function, we are now free to use our new class methods

def jaxfit4(pln, N_iter, lr, tol = 1e-8) :
    optimizer = optax.chain(
    opt_state = optimizer.init(pln.get_optim_params())

    def scan_fun(carry, k):
        pln = carry['PLN']
        loss_value, grads = jax.value_and_grad(get_ELBO)(
        updates, opt_state = optimizer.update(grads, carry['opt_state'])
        optim_params = optax.apply_updates(
        ## update parameters with close form
        carry['PLN'] = pln
        carry['opt_state'] = opt_state
        return carry, loss_value
    carry, ELBO = jax.lax.scan(

    return ELBO
pln = PLN(Y, O, X)
jaxELBO4 = jax.block_until_ready(
    jaxfit4(pln, N_iter, lr, tol=1e-8)
CPU times: user 6.29 s, sys: 901 ms, total: 7.2 s
Wall time: 4.34 s


We check the results

plt.plot(np.log(jaxELBO_no_jit), label='no jit')
plt.plot(np.log(jaxELBO1), label='jit level 1')
plt.plot(np.log(jaxELBO2), label='jit level 2')
plt.plot(np.log(jaxELBO3), label='jit level 3')
plt.plot(np.log(jaxELBO4), label='jit level 4')
/tmp/ipykernel_54173/3050985271.py:1: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log
  plt.plot(np.log(jaxELBO_no_jit), label='no jit')
/tmp/ipykernel_54173/3050985271.py:2: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log
  plt.plot(np.log(jaxELBO1), label='jit level 1')
/tmp/ipykernel_54173/3050985271.py:3: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log
  plt.plot(np.log(jaxELBO2), label='jit level 2')
/tmp/ipykernel_54173/3050985271.py:4: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log
  plt.plot(np.log(jaxELBO3), label='jit level 3')

  • Jitting is more involved in JAX than with pytorch, the best performances require some specific JAX knowledge that we exposed in each subsection of this document.
  • When jitting with JAX we fall back on quite the same difficulties as when jitting with pytorch trace.
  • However, JAX offers clear ways to overcome the difficulties that pytorch tracing does not offer (scan, static_argnums, pytrees, …)
  • In this particular example on GPU, jitted JAX can perform twice as fast as jitted pytorch. But in this particular example on CPU, JAX is slower than pytorch; is it link with the points raised in #benchmarking-jax-code ? However, this also recalls what we can often read online: JAX is particularly suited for GPU optimization. We need to test JAX on other examples involving neural networks, mini-batches, etc. in order to understand JAX potential on CPU optimization too.