We explore the tidymodels
framework which allows to work in a unified workflow for different models. tidymodels
is a meta package like tidyverse
. Here we will focus only on:
: unified interface for ml modelsrsample
: interface to define resampling setsyardstick
: computation of models performanceExample dataset is an extract from kaggle: https://www.kaggle.com/uciml/forest-cover-type-dataset
The dataset has 24757 observations and 55 variables. We want to predict the Cover_Type
according to all variables.
We keep only a part of data to be in a 2 class prediction problem. This will delete some variables which are constant over all observations.
## remove columns with only 0s
forest_data <-
forest_data %>%
select_if(.predicate = ~n_distinct(.) > 1)
## set type as factor
forest_data <-
forest_data %>%
mutate(Cover_Type = as.factor(Cover_Type))
The dataset has now 24757 observations and 50 variables.
We split the dataset into training and test sets with rsample::initial_split
with proportion 3/4 and respecting the Cover_Type
First we model a logistic regression on the whole training dataset. The framework of parsnip consists in first defining the type of model (here logistic_reg
), the engine (the underlying package which effectively estimate the model) with set_egine
and then estimate the model on the data with fit
## logistic model
logit_fit <-
logistic_reg(mode = "classification") %>%
set_engine(engine = "glm") %>%
fit(Cover_Type ~ ., data = select(forest_train, -Soil_Type40))
## Warning: glm.fit: algorithm did not converge
## Warning: glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
To get predicted values we use predict
as usual.
## get prediction on train set
pred_logit_train <- predict(logit_fit, new_data = select(forest_train, -Soil_Type40))
## get prediction on test set
pred_logit_test <- predict(logit_fit, new_data = select(forest_test, -Soil_Type40))
## get probabilities on test set
prob_logit_test <- predict(logit_fit, new_data = select(forest_test, -Soil_Type40), type="prob")
is a package to get metrics on model performance. By default on classification problem yardstick::metrics
returns accuracy and kappa.
.metric | .estimator | .estimate |
accuracy | binary | 0.7771853 |
kap | binary | 0.5401555 |
We also have access to other metrics with specific functions such as yardstick::spec
for specificity, yardstick::precision
, yardstick::recall
… These metrics can be combined to be estimated together with yardstick::metric_set
multimetric <- metric_set(accuracy, bal_accuracy, sens, yardstick::spec, precision, recall, ppv, npv)
multimetric(bind_cols(forest_test, pred_logit_test), truth = Cover_Type, estimate = .pred_class)
.metric | .estimator | .estimate |
accuracy | binary | 0.7771853 |
bal_accuracy | binary | 0.7678956 |
sens | binary | 0.7066667 |
spec | binary | 0.8291246 |
precision | binary | 0.7528409 |
recall | binary | 0.7066667 |
ppv | binary | 0.7528409 |
npv | binary | 0.7932886 |
computes the area under the roc and yardstick::roc_curve
data to plot the roc.
.metric | .estimator | .estimate |
roc_auc | binary | 0.8519712 |
roc_data <- roc_curve(bind_cols(forest_test, prob_logit_test), truth = Cover_Type, .pred_1)
roc_data %>%
ggplot(aes(x = 1 - specificity, y = sensitivity)) +
geom_path() +
geom_abline(lty = 3) +
In this part we estimate again a logistic regression but on 10-fold cross validation samples.
creates the sampling scheme. Here we create 5 repetitions of a 10 fold cv.
## create 5 times a 10 fold cv
cv_train <- vfold_cv(forest_train, v = 10, repeats = 5, strata = "Cover_Type")
We define next some functions to fit the model, get the predictions and the probabilities.
logit_mod <-
logistic_reg(mode = "classification") %>%
set_engine(engine = "glm")
## compute mod on kept part
cv_fit <- function(splits, mod, ...) {
res_mod <-
fit(mod, Cover_Type ~ ., data = analysis(splits), family = binomial)
## get predictions on holdout sets
cv_pred <- function(splits, mod){
# Save the 10%
holdout <- assessment(splits)
pred_assess <- bind_cols(truth = holdout$Cover_Type, predict(mod, new_data = holdout))
## get probs on holdout sets
cv_prob <- function(splits, mod){
holdout <- assessment(splits)
prob_assess <- bind_cols(truth = as.factor(holdout$Cover_Type),
predict(mod, new_data = holdout, type = "prob"))
We apply these functions on the cv data.
res_cv_train <-
cv_train %>%
mutate(res_mod = map(splits, .f = cv_fit, logit_mod), ## fit model
res_pred = map2(splits, res_mod, .f = cv_pred), ## predictions
res_prob = map2(splits, res_mod, .f = cv_prob)) ## probabilities
We can compute the model preformance for each fold:
res_cv_train %>%
mutate(metrics = map(res_pred, multimetric, truth = truth, estimate = .pred_class)) %>%
unnest(metrics) %>%
ggplot() +
aes(x = id, y = .estimate) +
geom_point() +
facet_wrap(~ .metric, scales = "free_y")
## Warning: Unquoting language objects with `!!!` is deprecated as of rlang 0.4.0.
## Please use `!!` instead.
## # Bad:
## dplyr::select(data, !!!enquo(x))
## # Good:
## dplyr::select(data, !!enquo(x)) # Unquote single quosure
## dplyr::select(data, !!!enquos(x)) # Splice list of quosures
## This warning is displayed once per session.
Model performance on each fold
ROC curve on each fold:
res_cv_train %>%
mutate(roc = map(res_prob, roc_curve, truth = truth, .pred_1)) %>%
unnest(roc) %>%
ggplot() +
aes(x = 1 - specificity, y = sensitivity, color = id2) +
geom_path() +
geom_abline(lty = 3) + facet_wrap(~id)
ROC curves on each fold